What is Form 1095-A and What Do I Do With It?

What to do with Form 1095-A This year, you may receive one or more forms that provide information about your 2015 health coverage, such as forms 1095-A, 1095-B and 1095-C. Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement, provides you with information … Continued

Start-Up Checklist: Accounting & Tax Filings

Start-Up Flowchart

Starting a new company can involve a lot of filings and registrations that you might not even have known existed, and it can get a little overwhelming. The flow chart will help you make sure you touch all of the bases and nothing falls through the cracks.

Substantiation Requirements for Charitable Donations

The Tax Code and its regs impose substantiation requirements that become more rigorous as the items of donated property increase in value. The basic rules are summarized in brief, below: Donations of money. A bank record or a written communication … Continued

IRS Reference Guide Aids FBAR Filers

The IRS recently issued a Reference Guide on the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). This IRS reference guide is available on the IRS website ( www.irs.gov), specifically at the webpage entitled “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial … Continued

Phone Fraud Scam Targeting Taxpayers

Federal Tax Day – Current,T.1,TIGTA Warns of Largest Ever Phone Fraud Scam Targeting Taxpayers, (Mar. 24, 2014) The Treasury Inspector General for Taxpayer Administration (TIGTA) has issued a warning to taxpayers to beware of phone calls from individuals claiming to … Continued

Does Marriage Complicate Your Tax Return?

In spite of legislative changes and political hype, the “marriage penalty” that has existed in the tax laws is far from gone. A “marriage penalty” still exists in several areas of the tax law. Recent tax legislation made the standard … Continued

Help with Educations Costs

Virtually all taxpayers can get help to pay for education costs in the form of tax credits and/or special deductions. Students and their parents can capitalize on a number of different education benefits. For example, the maximum amount that can … Continued