October 2016 Client Bulletin

Our October client bulletin focuses on some important financial steps to take after the birth of a child, the tax consequences of investing in gold, and the inner workings of a successful wellness program.

Bonus Depreciation in a Post-PATH Act World

The PATH Act added a new class of nonresidential real property, qualified improvement property, which is now eligible for bonus depreciation irrespective of its recovery period. That means that, unlike before, bonus depreciation can now be taken on certain real property improvements with recovery periods of 39 years.

September 2016 Client Bulletin

Client Bulletin - September 2016

Our September 2016 client bulletin takes a closer look at the customization of target-date investment funds, drawing down your portfolio in retirement, and setting paid-time-off policies for small businesses.

IRS Gives Way on Per Taxpayer Mortgage Deduction

The IRS has announced its acquiescence with regards to the mortgage interest deduction. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, reversing the Tax Court, found that when multiple unmarried taxpayers co-own a qualifying residence, the debt limit provisions apply per taxpayer and not per residence.

August 2016 Client Bulletin

WFFA Client Bulletin

Our August bulletin goes in-depth into the true cost of higher education, making the most of college financial aid, tax credits vs. tax deductions when it comes to college costs, the benefits of paying down debt, and the (tax) dangers of using IRA money to buy a business.