September 2016 Client Bulletin

Our September 2016 client bulletin takes a closer look at the customization of target-date investment funds, drawing down your portfolio in retirement, and setting paid-time-off policies for small businesses.
Our September 2016 client bulletin takes a closer look at the customization of target-date investment funds, drawing down your portfolio in retirement, and setting paid-time-off policies for small businesses.
…Depends on what? Among other things, on how long you’ve owned your home and whether it’s your principal residence. Generally, if you profit from the sale of property you have to pay capital gains tax on that profit. However, tax … Continued
The IRS has announced its acquiescence with regards to the mortgage interest deduction. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, reversing the Tax Court, found that when multiple unmarried taxpayers co-own a qualifying residence, the debt limit provisions apply per taxpayer and not per residence.
What are marginal tax rates and how do they affect my take-home pay?
Our August bulletin goes in-depth into the true cost of higher education, making the most of college financial aid, tax credits vs. tax deductions when it comes to college costs, the benefits of paying down debt, and the (tax) dangers of using IRA money to buy a business.
Our July bulletin takes a closer look at the new Federal Fiduciary Rule and what it means to investors, ETFs (they can be plain or fancy), and the differences between Disaster Planning and Succession Planning.
A taxpayer is generally allowed to deduct the expenses attributable to running a home office provided the space is used exclusively for that purpose. The rules permit a deduction for all the expenses attributable to running the household, including depreciation, … Continued
Our June client bulletin takes a look at different takes on how to compensate summer interns, planning for today’s pensions, and the risks associated with putting money into timeshares.
What’s the deal? Effective December 1, 2016, the new overtime rules are changing the exemptions that currently allow employers to avoid paying overtime to certain employees. Currently, employees making less than a certain salary threshold must be paid overtime (the … Continued
The Trade Preference Extension Act (the TPE) became law on 6/29/15, and included in it were a few little-noticed but significant changes to the penalties for failing to file required information returns (i.e. 1099s and W-2s) and, in some cases, … Continued