How a Wedding Affects Your Tax Picture – Part I

It’s no secret that getting married can affect your taxes, but just how much of an effect will depend on your circumstances. In the first of this two-part series we explore some of the practical steps to take leading up to the wedding.

Can My Business Pay My Children a Bonus?

If your children work at your business, they’re entitled to be paid and the business is entitled to a deduction just like you would for anyone else, but what if you try to pay them a bonus?

November 2016 Client Bulletin – Year-End Tax Planning Edition

This month’s client bulletin is all about year-end tax planning, including detailed looks into itemized deductions like state taxes paid, charitable contributions and medical expenses, as well as year-end planning for your retirement and for your business.

October 2016 Client Bulletin

Our October client bulletin focuses on some important financial steps to take after the birth of a child, the tax consequences of investing in gold, and the inner workings of a successful wellness program.

Bonus Depreciation in a Post-PATH Act World

The PATH Act added a new class of nonresidential real property, qualified improvement property, which is now eligible for bonus depreciation irrespective of its recovery period. That means that, unlike before, bonus depreciation can now be taken on certain real property improvements with recovery periods of 39 years.