December 2018 Client Bulletin

Our Dec 2018 bulletin looks at the affect of the new SALT deduction limits on home sales, the importance of powers of attorney, and how small businesses should handle year-end bonuses.

October 2018 Client Bulletin

Our October 2018 client bulletin takes a look the Supreme Court’s decision in the Wayfair case and how it affects e-commerce businesses, buy-write strategies for a flat market, and how bond ladders may hedge interest rate hikes.

September 2018 Client Bulletin

Our September 2018 client bulletin takes a look at the IRS’s recent notice regarding changes to the SALT deduction, using life insurance as a hedge, and funding your buy-sell agreement with life insurance.

July 2018 Client Bulletin

Our July 2018 client bulletin takes a look at a little more give in the gift tax, making sure you don’t neglect estate planning, and moving your business to a low-tax state.