July Client Bulletin

Remember, July 15 is now the tax filing due date because of the pandemic! It also means you may have a tax payment due on or before July 15. And if you have not yet received your federal stimulus check, this month’s newsletter tells you what you should do.

June Client Bulletin

This month’s newsletter details reasons why you should look for other sources of cash instead of tapping into your retirement funds, along with identifying potential tax surprises if you are using any of the pandemic-related relief programs.

May Client Bulletin

COVID-19 uncertainty abounds for everyone. This month’s newsletter provides a round-up of tax-related laws to help with tax planning for 2020 as we all navigate the coronavirus pandemic.

How Much of Your PPP Loan is Forgiveable?

In this article we take a look at what we know (and some of what we don’t know) about how forgiveness will be calculated. If you received PPP funding and want to make sure your spending aligns with your strategy for forgiveness, give us a call!

Extension of Deadlines for 1031 Exchanges (and Some Ambiguity)

The #IRS announced extensions for 1031 exchange ID and closing deadlines, however, some ambiguity in conflicting sections of the tax code will require further clarification on the specifics. Either way, this welcome update gives some taxpayers currently working on a 1031 exchange a bit of welcome breathing room.

April Client Bulletin

The IRS rolled out deadline extensions and new programs to help individuals and businesses navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. A recap of these announcements is included in this newsletter for your review.

Three Things Small Business Owners Should Do Today to Take Advantage of the CARES Act

There has been a lot of information for small business owners to digest in the past few weeks regarding Federal programs to help businesses during the COVID pandemic, and that’s on top of everything business owners are already doing to keep their companies afloat. Here are TWO STEPS that you should take today to get your company a piece of the stimulus package provided by the CARES Act.

March Client Bulletin

The tax filing deadline is right around the corner! As you’re busy gathering your tax documents or reviewing your tax return, included here is a caution concerning the security of IRS online applications and websites.