April 2018 Client Bulletin

Our April 2018 client bulletin takes a look at how to know your true tax rate, rethinking retirement contributions, Roth IRA conversions, state and local taxes, medical deductions and the new pass-through entity deduction.

March 2018 Client Bulletin

Check out our March 2018 client bulletin for a look at weighing the risks of bond funds, two five-year tests for Roth IRAs, and how small companies can address harassment issues.

February 2018 Client Bulletin

Our February 2018 client bulletin takes a look at solving the annuity puzzle, deducting employee business expenses, and insuring key people at small companies.

Accounting for T&E Under the New Tax Rules

The new tax law has made many changes to the rules we’ve come to know and love, and while the implementation of many of the new rules are still being ironed out, there is something that you can do today to help set up your bookkeeping for the new tax code.

January 2018 Client Bulletin

Our January 2018 client bulletin is focused on investing strategies for the new year and how to prepare your small business for a natural disaster.